Magnetic Vortex of Destiny 639hz
Magnetic Vortex of Destiny 639hz
Awakening the channels of desire, expansion and attraction
Color breathing meditation print or trataka to help work on attracting and manifesting your deepest desires. This utilizes the root, heart and soul star chakra activating our deepest purpose, and soul alignment, shedding worries or weight held in the heart in order to produce the energy you want to attract back. This meditation will help you attract abundance!
Green in deep shades is extrodinarily rich and abundant as is the other green shades creating balance in the heart and utilizing the 40,000 neurons that communicate to your brain and energy bringing in peace and pure abundance.
Red stimulates the sensory organs, and helps us ground, unblock and unclog our pathway forward but most importantly it helps to tether us to the earth plane, activating the body.
Magenta the powerhouse of magnetism and attraction, connecting to the akashic records and our souls blueprint. It helps to build the aura and energy around the heart and soothe adrenals.
12” x 16” Print, shipped flat